Saturday, March 28, 2009

keep watching!

First, it is our problem that we associate the media with the corporate media...who says thats all the media there is??? Second, tell me what has not become a slave of capitalism?? Aren't we the ones who read TOI and the BIG newspapers?? Aren't we the ones who want to be journalists with a brand stamped on our foreheads?? Aren't we the ones who watch the glossy channels?? How many of us will really leave the glitter of money and brands to do something alternative? Yes, we can believe, we can control...but can we alter???...Its been so long that so many groups, from the marginalized, the oppressed and the 'different' have tried to their miseries, feel their pain, understand their struggle, follow their blood, take up their challenges...if you think you can alter... capitalism is so strong, powerful and invisible that altering a part of it is not easy...I mean even the capitalists themselves cant understand it now...nobody understands it...
Third, who calls who the 'left'?? Its us, we brand someone and something as right and left??? Tell me how many people really understand it?? There is no left and right in media...there could have been before, but now there is only a system of news production, competition and profit...
Fourth...if there will be a market and a state...there will be media...its funny how we criticize it and how we could never dream of state- controlled media...or where there is no freedom of the media...
freedom is a mystery!
Fifth, it would be exciting to watch it, how it moves, even TOI has done its 'good' share...maybe telling us that its time to vote (for those who believe in the state!!haha), hinted worries of climate change...i know for the millions who are poor (dont mind me talking like that, but everyone is poor, coz we strive for money and everyone struggles for existence) i know for the millions of poor, self-oriented, discriminated bunch, climate change is some shit...but still the capitalists can do one thing...they can reach out to the largest number of people, powerfully...and now with recession...its sooooooo cool...lets watch what the world, the media, watch decisions being made, watch the world realize that there is something called 'control'...
media control, or state control...its time for people to think about 'self control'...
the art is to choose what you can take from the system and what you can throw away...


Blogger sam said...

it is exciting to watch powerful agents of society footballed around by eachother. where is the head of this system? if there is any in the first place...

March 31, 2009 at 3:41 AM  
Blogger D. S. Jharkhandi said...

janta ko bathees hazaar bhopali mil raha hai :D

April 5, 2009 at 11:48 AM  

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